How to Orchestrate Your Network Automations & Productize Them as Services with Itential - Seguridad - España y América Latina
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Miércoles 15 de Ene, 2025
Most network teams leverage some sort of domain-specific automation, whether through open-source tools or controller-based software, to implement network changes more efficiently. But while automating individual tasks may suffice in certain cases, the approach is difficult to scale. Delivering infrastructure as a product for broader consumption requires standardized processes. Orchestration unifies tools, services, and automations across your ecosystem to standardize processes for greater efficiency and provides the basis to create composable, self-service infrastructure products. With Itential, you can easily connect different automations, tools, and systems to orchestrate the process of provisioning of a new infrastructure service. Then, you can define, capture, and leverage stateful data to build and manage self-service infrastructure products using these orchestrated workflows. In this live webinar, Rich Martin, Director of Technical Marketing, and Dan Sullivan, Principal Solutions Architect, will cover Itential’s stateful orchestration capabilities. They’ll explore how teams can easily build orchestrations while tracking product states over time, and demo how to publish reusable workflows that developers and internal customers can access through a self-service catalog or directly through APIs. You’ll see how to: • Create workflows that orchestrate multiple automations as an end-to-end service. • Extend workflows to integrate with IT systems like ServiceNow. • Implement pre- and post-check processes in a workflow. • Compose new products and build a model for instance tracking. • Leverage workflows as actions to manage products using APIs. • Detail and track product instances over time.
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